Innovative Solutions
VarnerMiller’s professional staff members design and create instructionally sound, interactive training solutions that are innovative and provide state-of-the-art video and animation techniques to engage, entertain, and motivate the learner – all while building the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in performance and behavioral objectives. We have won national awards for our innovations in training development.
Employee Awareness Training

United States Department of agriculture, Natural resources conservation service
Course: Culture Transformation
Type: eLearning
Course Overview:
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Cultural Transformation Program brings about significant advancements in creating a workplace where all employees and customers are treated with dignity and respect, and are provided an equal opportunity for success. The objectives of cultural transformation are focused on building momentum for the transformation, opening a two-way dialogue between leadership, employees and customers, as well as helping to shape employee behaviors for the future. After Agency employees complete this online training, they will have basic knowledge and understanding around the key pillars of the program: Diversity, Inclusion, High Performance, and Customer Focus and Community Outreach – in turn, this understanding will help employees envision how they can apply these pillars into their day-to-day activities and interactions with each other, partners, and customers.
Scenario-based law enforcement training

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Course: Border Searches
Type: eLearning
Course Overview:
This course was developed for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of Training and Development (OTD) as a distance learning solution to provide training in the knowledge, skills, and associated actions related to U.S. constitutional protections and ICE and Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) field operations policies. The course provides high-quality and in-depth training on constitutional protections and policy issues, coupled with comprehensive student practice and assessment. This Virtual University (VU) learning experience features video scenarios based on cases and actual field incidents. The course includes links to websites, contact information, and reference materials. The course is designed in a modular fashion for distribution via the ICE learning management system, the VU. Course modules are capable of receiving updates to specific information and are SCORM and Section 508 compliant.
Scenario-based Acquisition Training

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Course: Introduction to the Acquisition Management System (AMS)
Type: eLearning
Course Overview:
The Acquisition Management System (AMS) establishes policy and guidance for all aspects of lifecycle acquisition management for the FAA. The Introduction to the AMS Course was developed in the VarnerMiller Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), and is accessible to FAA employees through the Plateau eLMS. The visual treatment design is an animation-based treatment that follows the design of a national newspaper.
Illustration and simulation development

Educational Testing Services
Course: Various Testing Tasks
Type: Mobile Application
Course Overview:
The Department of Education National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP) runs a Technical and Engineering Literacy (TEL) assessment program for various grade levels in the United States. VarnerMiller used a game development framework to develop assessment tasks for the NAEP TEL program. Throughout the assessment games, we created 3D environments, interactivity with 3D objects, 2D artwork and animations, immersive sound treatments, live-action video production, and pleasing, usable, and intuitive user interfaces. The content and assessment exercises provided the students with reality-based interactive experiences throughout the assessment process. We also developed separate Hybrid Hands-On-Tasks (HOTS) project tasks. These tasks were developed for presentation on a tablet and developed in HTML5. We were responsible for all art, programming, libraries, and operating framework. The program was responsible for interfacing with the backend for data capture, loading models, and running tasks.